Piper 6V-AIC

Aircraft branding visualization

Brand up an aircraft

After a successful collaboration of FLIGHTSEN brand identity, member Birame Coulibaly approached us to brand his personal aircraft a Piper Saratoga. We provided new expertise in product visualisation by bringing the Piper into our 3D world and exploring various branding options.

LAWWD®, 2020.


Birame, 36 ans, marketer de profession, découvre l’aviation après de nombreuses aventures dans les sports mécaniques (course automobile, moto, etc.). Celui qui rêvait d’être pilote enfant en observant les avions dans le ciel mais qui n’a pas pu en faire son métier décide d’apprendre à voler malgré tout et de s’adonner à sa passion avec joie et amour.
Photographie : @layepro

The Process

We studied the Piper, measured then 3D-modeled it with real word measurements and dynamics. We used a 65% accurate model, enough to visualize the branding intended to be used on the aircraft.

This method allowed us to have 360 view of the Piper and be able to properly use every opportunity to enhance the experience of the owner and his passengers for immersive adventures.

Feedback + iterations

Although sophisticated, the branding also had to be cost-efficient, catchy and yet simple.